Local connections to address climate change together

Our roots

Grassroots actions 

From local energy champions helping people cope with rising energy bills to helping set up locally-owned community energy programmes - we seek out the power and potential within our local community. 

Established early 2014, Sustainability Connections CIC harnessed the collective social reach of, mainly, local women in East Kent. At first, these women shared expertise, skills and experience, but most importantly, their social capital to help unemployed women into work. Later, Sustainability Connections trained a similar group of women to be energy champions, helping thousands of vulnerable consumers save money on their energy bills.

This grassroots emPOWERment led to spin-off projects such as running funding workshops to help other community organisations find sustainable financing options through to recruiting the initial board and supporting the exciting fundraise for Kent's first community-owned solar farm,Orchard Community Energy.

Who are we?

Sustainability Connections' three directors are women, now in their sixties, kicking against becoming jaded, burnt-out older women who stand on the sidelines saying 'we tried that decades ago...!'.

We continue to, not only support, but to draw energy and inspiration from people we meet who are trying, against increasingly difficult odds, to make a difference in their community.  

This new reincarnation of Sustainability Connections celebrates and showcases the amazing environmental projects that are happening, not only in Kent & Medway, but further afield. Our aim is to fill people with the optimism and hope and to help create a nurturing and encouraging environment for those brave people who have fire in their belly and continue to make a difference.